Carol came to Planned Parenthood in 1970 for birth control. During her pelvic exam, the doctor told Carol that she had a growth on her ovary - which led to the lifesaving diagnosis of her stage three ovarian cancer. This is Carol's story of care.

Caroline came to Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test. As a queer person, the compassionate and confidential care that they received was invaluable, and launched her passion for social justice. This is her story of care. #WeArePP Planned Parenthood is proud to serve the LGBTQ community.

Planned Parenthood has 10 million activists, supporters, and donors working to defend and advance reproductive rights. Here are some of the stories from our volunteers in North Carolina.

Mayra and her daughter Julieta both work at Planned Parenthood. This is their story of care. #WeArePP Transcript: Mayra: My name is Mayra. Julieta: My name is Julieta... and we are two generations of women who work at Planned Parenthood. Julieta: I started at Planned Parenthood through my mom in my free time after school.

Meet Dr. Matthew Zerden, the Medical Director for Planned Parenthood in North Carolina. He's working to combat anti-abortion laws, including waiting periods, in his home state. "To make a woman that has thought deeply about abortion to wait 72 hours is deeply misogynistic and paternalistic." This is his story of care.

Meet Tayanna, a Planned Parenthood Field Manager in South Carolina - where she educates her community about safer sex. Born to a teenage mom, Tayanna works every day to ensure young people and adults have access to accurate sex education and information. This is her story of care.

Reverend Emma, a Community Organizer in North Carolina, lost her sister to a treatable disease - because she didn't have access to health care. Here she talks about the impact that her sister's death had on her faith and approach to community organizing.

Planned Parenthood organizers and doctors discuss the impact that defunding has on women - particularly women of color - in states like North Carolina and South Carolina. #WeArePP Transcript: Emma: I live in a state that try to defund organizations like Planned Parenthood and most people that come into our health clinics that I talk to every week are people of color.